Today is Monday, July 25. Comic Con has ended again and we're back to the normal pace of things.
This was a good Con, we sold several books and Thor figures; in fact, I think we're sold out of Thor once we take in to account online orders placed on the remaining stock. The Gremlin World graphic novel was well received and many people flipped through it and expressed interest which I hope to parlay into new readers checking out the comic.
I bought a lot of cool things which you'll be able to check out tomorrow. New toys and books are always something to get excited over... especially when you think they're out of your grasp but by some miracle you end up getting them anyway.
It was also an educational Con, we learned alot about our strengths and weaknesses, where we could improve and what worked for us. I think this information is going to be particularly valuable moving forward and that next con, we'll have stepped our game and be able to really get Aswembar Productions/ Plastic Booty out there.
Introducing the Endless Manekineko: A Fusion of Luck and Nostalgia!
🎮🐱 Prepare to be enchanted by Fools Paradise's new "Endless Manekineko" —
a delightful blend of gaming nostalgia and traditional luck-bringing charm!
1 week ago
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